
Hi, my name is klichka dark'ness dementia raven way and I have long disliked dylan mulvaney (that's why I made this site) and AGP fetishists and HSTS transitioners and tifs who act like limpid retards and a lot of people know that I hate consumerism (AN: if u collect funko pops get da hell out of here!) I'm not related to JK Rowling but I wish I was because she's a major fucking icon. I made this site but my code is messy and broken. I have to fix stuff a lot. I'm also an american college student, and I go to a real person school where I have to study and share bathrooms with autists wearing cat ears (I'm serious). I hate gender ideology (in case you couldn't tell) and I sometimes discuss it online. I love reading articles, books, and other people's thoughts on the transgender movement and I read content from trans people too. For example today I was looking at r/mtf and I saw several men explaining how estrogen turned them into anime girls, before discussing their fetishes. I was sitting in shock, despair, and frustration. I try not to browse online too much. It is upsetting and there is so much degeneracy, which I am very unhappy about. A lot of normies and handmaidens don't see it so they don't understand the problems with the trans movement. I put up my middle finger at them.



AN: STOP FLAMING DA WOBSITE TRANIEZ OK! odderwize fangs 2 da gendr kritikal ppl 4 da good reveiows! FANGS AGEN NONNIES! stup flaming da site if u do ur a foken tranz n ur jelous ok!11